Independence day
What 15th of August has meant to me personally?
I set myself to think on this and many an image passed through my mind.
Born in the year of ignominy 1962, when we lost chunks of land to China, but born in the independent India meant a lot of positive and negative vibes too.
It meant a day of holiday or getting up early for a march past at the school grounds for the practiced drum beats. waiting for the sweets to be distributed. Nothing much beyond it.
Some seriousness. The march pasts continued but with a purpose. We were proud to salute our flag. After all, we studied at the “National High school”, where teachers had participated in the freedom struggle and some still wore a “Gandhi topi” and “Khadi”. I was definitely swept under the influence of “Nationalism”. I started to wear Khadi myself. Having said that, our High school years were also the years of “Internal Emergency” declared to suit political ends. The India which was free from a foreign power was enslaved again by our own. It was not Swatantra it was Swabandhana. I was fortunate enough to be exposed to political upheavals of those days. We had Sanskrit teacher of mine, who was arrested and tortured. So, in 1977, When Janata party was formed with great hope and came to power, we had our second Independence day! Alas, that did not last. But, my India had learnt a lesson. Our democratic institutions held on and the power change through peaceful, democratic means was possible.
I became a bit of an aloof person. Yes, I was proud of my country and Nationhood. I did not have to wear it on my sleeve. I did feel bad when I visited other countries and saw their level of development and how people asserted their rights, while they were proud of their nationality.
Somewhere deep in me was embedded, my RSS days of patriotism and I used to defend my country, when abroad. India was known for some textiles and spices and nothing much outside. We were regarded as Snake charmers and going around on Elephants guys.
Software power changed it all. We were now respected and minute I said that I am from Bangalore, People assumed that I am from the IT industry.
I was motivated. It became my resolve to make myself relevant as a citizen and contribute to to the Nation building in my own field.
The opportunities presented themselves and I could lead a team of competent engineers to manufacture High precision Gearboxes for Wind turbines. For me my India had arrived on the global stage. I was proud to be a part of it.
Later when we took an Indian company and made it into a Global / Multinational company, my national pride expanded. I was proud to be an Indian.
The concept of “Make in India” or “ Atmanirbhar” India has fired the imaginations of a lot.
I am proud of these, but at the same time wondering if we always have to have a messiah to deliver to us? Can we not, as a collective people, dream and achieve? When I see the gap between the poor and rich widening, I ask myself, is this our Independent India, where People still struggle for a decent education, or even two square meals?
Beyond the rhetoric of Bharath mata ki jai, what have we done individually to keep our nation Independent? Have we been responsible citizens? Gone beyond just paying taxes and casting our vote, have we participated in the public governance. I personally have failed on that count.
Time to be involved as a responsible citizen and not remember Independence on just the 15th of August.
Jai Hind
Good Capture and Narration, Mohan
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